
Millions of people visit Yosemite every year. But few continues eastward to meet this little gem hidden in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Mammoth Lakes, Mono County is a ski town two hours away from the Yosemite National Park. Although having a population of ~8000, it is not your typical small town. What sets Mammoth Lakes apart is its high-class styles and affordable prices.

Mono County, California
Mono County, California

Why you may want to visit Mammoth Lakes?

  • Countless trails into Inyo National Forests and Sierra mountains
  • Numerous tranquil lakes for water activities
  • Ski resorts in the winter
  • Affordable and upscale hotels, restaurants, and cafes

Where to go

The best to visit Mammoth Lakes is to explore and do what you like. But here is a few suggestions:

Mono Lake

Mono Lake is one of North America’s oldest lakes, formed at least 760,000 years ago. The snowpacks in nearby mountains melt and stream into this endorheic basin. With no outlet, Mono Lake is more salty than the sea.

Mono Lake, California
Mono Lake, California

Rock Creek Lake (Inyo National Forest)

Inyo National Forest covers 1.9 million acres of protected land with numerous lakes. It offers countless camp grounds and trails to explore the forest and the wilderness.

Rock Creek Lake
Rock Creek Lake
Inyo National Forest
Inyo National Forest

Lake Crowley

Crowley Lake is a reservoir on the upper Owens River in southern Mono County, California. Facing east, you can see the snow peaks of the White Mountain in the background.

Lake Crowley
Lake Crowley


I stayed at Sierra Nevada Resort & Spa. For ~$100 during off-season, it offers 4-star hotel quality like the Westin.

Eat & Drink

Don’t miss out Black Velvet Coffee for your breakfast coffee. The quality of coffee is amazing! They offer seasonal and specialty coffees.

