
Mendocino is a small town with 894 people. Yet, it packs a punch in natural beauty and historical architecture. It is a perfect getaway from a weekend!

San Francisco to Mendocino Road Trip Itinerary

Day 1

  • Start from SF on Highway 1
  • Stop at Sonoma Coast State Park for a quick hike and rest
  • Continue to Point Arena Lighthouse
  • Arrive at Mendocino (afternoon) and explore the town

Day 2

  • Go for a morning jog at Mendocino Headland State Park
  • Have breakfast at Good Life Cafe & Bakery
  • Visit Russian Gulch State Park
  • Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
  • Narrow River Redwoods State Park (afternoon)
  • (Optional) Head to Anderson Valley for wine tasting

The Details

Day 1

Sonoma Coast State Park

I started my trip from San Francisco. After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, head to the beautiful Highway 1. Continue driving north while enjoying the beautiful coastal view. Sonoma Coast State Park is a perfect pit stop to rest and have a quick hike.

Sonoma Coast State Park
Sonoma Coast State Park

Point Arena Lighthouse

Next, continue your trip on Highway 1 until you are near Point Arena. Bartolomé Ferrer, a Spanish captain, first recorded Point Arena in 1543. Point Arena is a narrow peninsula jutting around 1/2 mile (800 m) into the Pacific Ocean. This sandbar creates a natural hazard to navigation, and hence the need for a lighthouse and fog signal here. Point Arena Lighthouse was constructed in 1870. Its brick and mortar tower featured ornate iron balcony supports and a large Keeper residence with enough space to house several families.

Point Arena Lighthouse
Point Arena Lighthouse
Point Arena Lighthouse
Point Arena Lighthouse

You are very close to Mendocino at this point. Continue driving for ~40 mins until you arrive at Mendocino. Check in at your hotel/Airbnb and explore the small town (if you still have energy).

Day 2

Mendocino Headland State Park

A visit to the Mendocino Headlands is a must. You may come to see the spring wildflowers, enjoy a crisp and clear fall day, escape to a cool summer climate or witness the winter migration of grey whale. The park provides Mendocino with a buffer area that preserves the town’s historical presence. Photographers and painters frequently visit various parts of Mendocino Headlands enjoying and capturing the scenic wonders.

Mendocino Headlands State Park
Mendocino Headlands State Park

Breakfast at Good Life Cafe & Bakery

There are a handful of cafes in this small town. The one I recommend is Good Life Cafe & Bakery. You don’t want to miss out on their almond croissants! It is so good. Even better, bring your coffee and breakfast to Mendocino Headlands State Park. Have your breakfast while enjoy the amazing view of the Pacific Ocean!

Point Cabrillo Lighthouse

Point Cabrillo Lighthouse was the highlight of my trip to Mendocino. In 1850, an opium-trading brig Frolic wrecked on a reef north of Point Cabrillo. By 1904, several ships had wrecked in this foggy region. Finally in 1906, a bill was passed in Senate to fund the construction of Point Cabrillo lighthouse. A romantic option is to stay in one of the Keeper houses near the lighthouse. Rentals are managed by Mendocino Coast Reservations. You can call 707-937-5033 or email to make your reservation.

Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse

Heading Home

If you are coming back to San Francisco, I highly recommend returning through Narrow River Redwoods State Park. Instead of hearing the ocean waves crashing on Highway 1, you could enjoy the peace of a quiet Redwoods Forest. You have miles of giant redwood trees covering the sky. Only a glimpse of light comes through the opening. The magnificent view is on par of the more famous Redwood National Park. If you are a wine lover, there are many wineries in Anderson Valley after you exist Narrow River Redwoods State Park. Some wineries require reservations in advanced but the tickets are very affordable.

