
The World is vast. Although there are visible changes made by human beings, the vast majority of our planet remains unchanged. It is hard to comprehend the vastness of the World when we live in concrete jungles. Therefore, I want to use this website to show the grandeur of Mother Nature and help the readers to connect with the natural beauty of the World.

There are 422 National Park sites in the United States of America. Each one has its own significance. We will start by reviewing and providing travel guides to the national parks with road trip details. Hopefully, we can all have a chance to understand, perverse, and protect our natural wonders.

To close, I leave a poem from William H. Simpson

Words, such as dreamers utter;
Songs, played on dulcet strings;
Pictures, that hold beauty deathless
Here, on the verge,
They fade away to dull colors,
Faint songs,
Echoes of words.
Let the sunsets paint it,
And the rainbows.
Let the pueblos whisper of it
Voices of long ago.
Let the river sing of it
A wild thing, caged, escaping.\